Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

As we look back on 2008, we saw a year full of promise and change, yet the year ended with a sour note as the world crumbled in the financial mess we sowed. We look at 2009 with renewed hope that our world will weather this storm and the promise of hope and change will overcome the challenges we have ahead of us.

At Tapulanga we're constantly reminded of the world of "haves" and "have nots" because we work in this gap everyday of the year. We are witnesses to the power of innovation and technology as it helps us spread our message and grow our mission. Yet for all the innovation and creativity of technology it has not succeeded in securing the essentials of life for all human beings. Thus our mission continues as we watch, hear and read every day about the breathtaking manifestations of affluence alongside poverty, malnutrition and deaths from preventable or curable diseases. Shouldn't we ask ourselves whether something is wrong with our choice of goals or our motivation, or both? We hope our message inspires compassion to be our ultimate goal and motivation for all of our economic activity. Compassion to not only focus on our own wants and needs but to be inspired to do our share of helping to give those who are born with less a chance for a better life.

May peace and the blessings of hope be with you in 2009.

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